what is a dream that doesn't sleep?

Aug 04, 2010 18:36


I'm sorry that this entry is so late >.< I meant to post up the pictures from the meme a long time ago but this weekend I was out the whole time whether it was helping out my dad or going shopping with my mom. And yesterday I was putting in the grout for tiles -___- So tired D:

First! the PHOTO MEME :D

twoeyesonesoul asked for a picture of a painting.

this is a horrible picture of the painting because the bottom is cut off and it's not actually hanging on a wall lol. i only have a few paintings in the house and they're mostly like this one, with trees and random houses in the middle of the field. i would have to say this is my favourite :)

gsama asked for a picture of my closet.

i like separating my clothes into pants and tops. there are actually some clothes that i should probably throw out because i don't wear them a lot or they just don't fit anymore. -___- the one with the price tag is the new summer dress that i got last month, i occasionally like to wear dresses when i don't feel self-conscious about my figure lol.

satoshihoyeh asked me to take a picture of something i would cry over if i lost it.

this was hard because there are a lot of things i would cry over (well maybe not but i'd be sad). in the end i went with my iPod because it's new :) and i love my music. though i would be devastated if i lost my internet D: i mean i would probably go through withdrawal lol. but on another note, my CD collection is also very precious to me :)

lastly, yunsias asked for a picture of my bed.

my bed is actually very big for one person so i tend to roll around a lot in my sleep lol. the pillows are there to prevent me from falling off or hitting my head on the side cabinet. i really should get matching pillow cases hahaha

well sadly i'm still not finished my fic D: i have so many ideas i just don't have the time to sit and write them >.<

oh! is anyone watching Hotaru no Hikari 2? omg it's the best thing ever O:!!! i love it. the plot is just starting to develop and as much as i think Amemiya and Buchou belong to each other, i love love love Seno-kun. He and Amemiya look really great together ;-; and i have a thing for the younger cute guy types s;kjfa;sdjfd there's gonna be a love triangle, i'm so excited :DD i recommend this to those who just want a refreshing, summer comedy drama :D
i also excited for Ryo's drama hehe i loved almost every drama he's been in. though the title JOKER will always remind me of Junhyung lol

bleach! idk if anyone's following but the recent chapter was jawdropping. i didn't expect it. i'm just glad aizen finally dies though. i have had enough of him >.< i hope he doesn't come back as some twist. but does this mean bleach is going to end soon? O:

and finally. i have Kyu's new OST song on replay <3 it's beautiful~

manga, jdrama: hotaru no hikari 2, sm: super junior, meme, bleach, suju: kyuhyun, other: pictures, life

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