really short, brief update

Jun 05, 2010 00:45


about the last entry, I'm feeling much better now (except the fact that exams are coming up and i can't help but panic) :D Currently it's past midnight and I really should go to sleep. My eyes are like dry -____-

Chinese oral exam tomorrow and then it's officially over! Next Saturday will be my graduation from Chinese school :D No more waking up early on Saturday mornings lol. Instead I'll be taking Tai Chi classes later XD It's weird, my mom signed me up for it.

I'm on a semi-hiatus right now. Will be lurking the comms mostly fanfic lol. Homework gets boring and I despise studying D:<

I'll come back soon~

Oh one last thing, Eunhae or rather SJ on Twitter is the best thing ever. They're so hilarious and such pranksters XD <3

school, life

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