HEYYYYY GUYS! :DD i miss posting about fandom O: that and school is starting tomorrow D: /cries
okay first thing i want spread the word about
suju_mirrors well they're somewhat lacking members and needed advertisement so i thought i'd say something here. XD; i haven't posted my entry, haven't got time ): but i think it's fun! ^^
second. SHINee. :D I rarely fangirl about them because I don't follow them that closely but...
THIS /squeal~ is love ♥♥♥ i can't believe they performed it live! Scar is without a doubt my favorite track aside from Seaside on the SM Town 09 album :DD I loveeee the choreography for it (it's clearer in the individual fancams) and can i say they look gooooood in those clothes ;DD I can't wait to see it aired :D //funny thing about it or well me: every time i listen to this song i always think of Dream (SBS) XD like it's from the OST or something, lol.
third. heeeeee omg Suju's Miracle show 8) I'm happy/excited/happy about this because that means I have something to focus on while Hae's in China :) and Hyukkie~ lol and Leeteuk, we all thought he was the wise one. XD I haven't finished the first ep yet; I thought I'd wait for the subs. :D
I've said this many times, but I seriously do miss Hyuk's red hair ); so hot... >.<;;;
fourth. school. ): i'm worried about lots of things now. homework, exams, friends, other people, my future... @___@ i srsly don't want ): but it starts tomorrow so i can't do anything about it. /sigh
fifth. QUESTION: which would you guys pick if you had to get Hyuk's necklace,
THIS? The second one has the sparkly gems on it and it's simiar to the one he actually wears. But obviously the price is different. ): it's so pretty though....
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this made me tear up. ;___; i've been listening to it over and over again on youtube (i really need a mp3 of it) it's just so beautiful ♥ and they sing it so well; there was minor engrish but i still understood what they were singing. XD i love them so much ♥ just thought i'd share :)
okay this might be my last post in a while because of school. and i got finish replying to comments XD byebye~ and good luck with school too, guys ♥ :D