Mar 04, 2005 18:22
Today was okay. Some things happened, good and back. My feelings were hurt really badly also. Civics was depressing. I took the two quizzes. Then Julie told me that she might be moving oversea. Ahh, I can't lose my Julie! Well, then we did the Kennedy House of Delegate thing or whatever. They wouldn't pass the bill to let people put their instruments in the storage room before going to the gym. That sucked because it takes about an extra minute to put away the instrument and then when you get to your locker, everyone is in the way. A lot of times I am late to class and have to stand out in the hallway during the moment of silence. Then we got to my bill ten minutes before class was about to end. It was to provide more funding for the arts. Well it wasn't enough time so it got killed. Tear. English was boring. In focus, I did my spanish homework. I told Carlo that Julie got into GSA. He said something like, "Wow, you must not need any skills to get into governor's school." I told him that that was very, very mean. Then he said that he was only joking, but I swear it didn't sound like it. Then at lunch, I made the stupid mistake of calling my mom to find out. Well I was put on the waiting list. That was why I was crying at lunch. Well part of it. Mr. Poe told me that I will get in because I haven't been officially turned down. But what hurt the most was: Not needing any skills to get into GSA. Well if you don't get in, do I have negative skills???? That hurt real bad. But also what hurts is that everyone I mean everyone was telling me that I'd get in and that I had nothing to be nervous about. Guess what, there is something to be nervous about and that is the ever so dreadful waiting list. Just what I need, more waiting. I want to know whether I am in or not. I can't stand waiting! Well, my awesomest friend ever, Abbey definitely tried to comfort me. She told me that she wasn't going to go unless I went. I told her to still go because enough people will turn it down to allow me to go (hopefully). But I am glad that I wasn't turned down. Look on the bright side! If I were meant to go to GSA, then I would have gotten in. Maybe Kempsville and just Kempsville is where I need to be. Well during Spanish, we read Green Eggs and Ham in español. It was awesome. Yo soy Juan. Yo soy Juan. Yo soy Juan. Talk about repetative. I screwed up my solo so bad at the concert we did for the school. Stupid low D! I swear I think Mr. Markham has something going on with some of the teachers at our school. Okay that was random. Jazz Band was interesting. We improvised. I love improvising. Well Abbey's mom came in because she was driving the truck. I told her that I was on the waiting list and she said "You lie." See what I mean. It's hard for me because everythinks that I am joking they start laughing thinking it's funny, but it is NOT! Well Abbey and I got into the back of the truck because we are special. So we did everything up there, including jumping up and down and touching the ceiling. We also did poses and all that. We were truck models. Then I had to go because the stupid bell had to ring. So I left, well actually I didn't because I got locked out. But Poe came to the rescue. In order to get the big timpani out, he took out that middle post thing in the double doorway. It was oh so awesome. So I left and yeah.
Now to start a new paragraph because that was long. Oh I forgot what happened in English! I kept drawing spiral things on Cindy's paper. She kept saying Katie Katie Katie. It was hilarious. Then Katie Grubiak turns around and says, "What?" Too bad Cindy was talking to me! So Katie G was like "Cindy Cindy" I kept saying Cindy Cindy the whole day.
Okay at my saxophone lesson. Well I told him that I was on the waiting list to governor's school. Then he was like it is okay and told me that I should be getting a new sax! He is an awesome convincer let me tell you. So he told my mom about a place in DC that has all of the best saxophones in the world including the awesome Mk6 model. My mom is considering it and taking me there over spring break!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could go on forever.
I'm copying this: Life rocks! Love God!