
Jan 20, 2009 16:09

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.....yeah.

Over the past month or so that statement has never been more true. It started in the depths of hell that was whatever excruciating pain began on Dec 24. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't lay down. Sometimes couldn't drive. Generally in a state of absolute misery that eventually brought me to the ER. Apparently it was something jaw related? My left side jaw still cracks continuously and aches occasionally, but the pain has subsided a great deal. Saw numerous doctors over 2 weeks, all who said I had some sort of TMJ related issue. I had a hard time believing this, after knowing some people with TMD. I just could not bring myself to believe that this amount of pain could be caused by my TMJ.

After researching it, it appeared that I was indeed NOT crazy, and that the jaw joint is close to several major nerves, all of which feed directly into your brain. Thus, pain = MAJOR pain. This is one of the reasons why tooth problems hurt so much, except for me all 4 major nerves were inflamed, which made the whole left side of my head hurt.

I finally saw a TMJ specialist last week (after the pain had subsided a little, thank god). Getting an MRI of my jaw this week with a follow-up next week. Apparently I need to finish my orthodontics ASAP to start treatment of the TMJ. I'll probably have to wear a splint at night which will help to decompress my jaw and let the inflammation go down. Mercifully, since last week the pain really has been minuscule compared to what it was, which allowed me to continue my life as normal (after spending 2 weeks at home in misery with little sleep!!).

I will say this event has certainly made me re-consider my silly health anxieties. Sort of like, "Yes Virginia, you can have actual health problems and they really suck, so just be thankful when you are healthy and STOP WORRYING". Point taken and double taken. I will never be a hypochondriac again. NEVER.

In fact, I've felt more alive in the past 2 weeks that I've been feeling better than I have for the past 7 years. When it stopped hurting so that I could sleep again my body and mind were so thankful that ever since then I've been just floating on a cloud of happiness. I haven't been anxious even once....it's like I just can't. I'm amazingly relaxed and calm. Weird.

It's gonna be hella cold tonight. I will be making hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies, oh yes. : )
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