May 03, 2004 18:14
I just read my last journal entry...I sound like a spoiled brat. My dad aint buyin a Mach 1 for me he wants it for himself, I just wanna be able to drive it. And he's not buyin me a new Celica either I hafta pay for that. Ok, so now that that's clear...I had my AP Eng Exam today. wasn't easy. I dont think I bombed it, but i wouldn't be surprised if I did get a 2. The last essay was really hard...everyone else just thought it was kinda hard. Me and Sara and Kt Y are supposed to be doin a Physics proj right now for Dr Cashwell. Man she cant teach. Oh..I might go to the Godfather Customs show this wkend...not sure yet tho. I talked to Bryan about my back explainin to him why i couldn't close...then I only got 4 hrs this week!! Erg..oh well maybe hes jus tryin to be nice and let my back heal or somethin. I gotta dad wants to videotape the part of the road i got pulled over at because theres no speed limit sign for like 5 miles...cuz my court date is on Thurs. Peace
~*~MY CAR...~*~
~*~I WISH...~*~