[news]~Finally! Sengoku BASARA 5th Anniversary Event DVD!

May 30, 2011 00:03

If anyone remembered the report I wrote awhile back in Jan: http://kswgric.livejournal.com/144152.html
I've been really waiting for the news about this DVD, now it finally came!!

DVD"Sengoku BASARA 5th Anniversary ~Budoukan no utage~"

Official: http://www.capcom.co.jp/information/basara/dvdcd/20110520_3123.html
Release Date: 2011/08/05
Includes: 2DVD + 24-color-pages BK
中井和哉(伊達政宗 役) / Nakai Kazuya
保志総一朗(真田幸村 役) / Hoshi Souichirou
森田成一(前田慶次 役) / Morita Masakazu
森川智之(片倉小十郎 役) / Morikawa Toshiyuki
大川透(徳川家康 役) / Ookawa Tooru
関 智一(石田三成 役) / Seki Tomokazu
石野竜三(長曾我部元親 役) / Ishino Ryuuzou
中原茂(毛利元就 役) / Nakahara Shigeru
西川貴教 / TM Revolution
小林裕幸(「戦国 BASARA」シリーズプロデューサー) / Kobayashi Hiroyuki
他 / etc.

2 more months! Now let's look at this pic again ^^

hoshi: news

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