Official Site:
http://www.towanoquon.com/First Showing: 2011/06/18
クオン:神谷浩史 / Kamiya Hiroshi
テイ:名塚佳織 / Nazuka Kaori
ユリ:白石涼子 / Shiraishi Ryouko
サイボーグ・イプシロン(風見瞬):鳥海浩輔 / Toriumi Kousuke
キリ:早見沙織 / Hayami Saori
ミウ:小見川千明 / Omigawa Chiaki
リョウ:鈴木達央 / Suzuki Tatsuhisa
タカオ:入野自由 / Irino Miyu
ユーマ:小松未可子 / Komatsu Mikako
神無月星志:大川透 / Ookawa Tooru
サイボーグ・デルタ(飛鳥ひずる):寿美菜子 / Kotobuki Minako
サイボーグ・アルファ(海藤):中田譲治 / Tanaka Jyouji
上代源治:三木眞一郎 / Miki Shinichirou
Another 6 chapters movie anime after Break Blade. I am glad Tori's in such a big work again. The story looks interesting, but I am just having problem with the cast... I think I haven't seen a work with so many seiyuu I don't like in a long time. Not to point out directly, but I especially hate THE big name up there.
Sorry it's probably the reason why I really want to talk about this news, sorry Tori san!! Lately I just dislike that particular seiyuu (and some others in that list) more and more and I really need some stress release!! Haha, glad I can at least spit it out at my own LJ~~