[news] ☆2010/04/30☆

Apr 30, 2010 19:14

*Every title is a hyperlink to its own official website*



On Air Date: 2010/04/23
Personality: Suzuki Chihiro
Guest: Toriumi Kousuke (invited for his role in the game "Steelwood")

Famitsuu Characters DX

On Air Date: 2010/05/21, 2010/05/28
Personality: Suzumura Kenichi | Shimoda Asami
Guest: Toriumi Kousuke


ドラマCD ヘタリア×羊でおやすみシリーズ Vol.8
Drama CD Hetalia x Hitsujide oyasumi series VOL.8

Release Date: 2010/10/29
Cast: Sugiyama Noriaki & Konishi Kazuyuki (!!)
OMG~!!! Honey-bee finally lay their hands on hetalia~~ I can't even imagine getting this CD >__< It's surprising(?) that they put England and America together~ Although I would much rather with France, but XDDDDDD~~~ Can't wait!!!!!!!

ドラマCD「アルトネリコ3世界終焉の引鉄は少女の詩が弾く」side 咲 ~After Story~(仮)
Drama CD "Ar tonelico3 Sekai no shuen no intetsu ha shojo no uta ga hiku" side Saku ~After Story~

Release Date: 2010/06/30
1st-press: Bonus track of cast comments~
Cast: Gotou Mai | Sugiyama Noriaki | etc.
Finally drama CD~! Since I don't have a PS3 I've been hoping it'll release in other forms~!

TV アニメーション「裏切りは僕の名前を知っている」ドラマCD1
TV Animation "Uraboku" Drama CD1

Release Date: 2010/06/30
Info: includes 1 character song by Hoshi Souichioru & Sakurai Takahiro~!
Cast: everyone knows~

ドラマCD ジャポニズム47
Drama CD Japanism47

Release Date: 2010/08/13
Limited: extra CD
Info: Japanese prefectures into human characters...
Cast: Saiga Mitsuki | Toriumi Kousuke | Yoshino Hiroyuki | Maeno Tomoaki | Abe Atsushi | Namikawa Daisuke | Suganuma Hisayoshi | etc.
OMG, another one... it's interesting to notice that Namikawa is doing 2 characters again~!

金色のコルダ3 3S(スクール)トーク&ヴォーカル I ~星奏学院&至誠館~
Kiniro no Corda3 3S(School)Talk&Vocal I ~Seisou Gakuin & Seishi yakata~

Info: Seisougakuinsai 3 event only CD, includes cast talk from 7 seiyuu and 2 songs~
Cast: everyone knows~
I want it~!!


NDS "DS Sukidesu Suzukikun! 4 nin no suzukikun"

Release Date: 2010/07/29
Genre: Otome AVG
Limited: with Drama CD
Cast: Takita Jyuri | Taketatsu Ayana | Miyata Kouki | Kondo Takashi | Hoshi Souichirou | Nakamura Yuuichi


Break Blade Recording Cast Interview

Hoshi's clothes look different~!!

「銀幕ヘタリア Axis Powers Paint it, White(白くぬれ!)」主題歌を歌うユニット“ワールド8(仮)”のキャスト8名にインタビュー!!
"Movie Hetalia Axis Powers Paint it, White(Shiroku nure!)" Theme Song Unit "World 8" Cast Interview

Both nontan and Onosaka's interview mentioned each other's characters a lot~!!!!!! I love England and France, totally will take my time to translate them~!

"Movie Hetalia Axis Powers Paint it, White(Shiroku nure!)" Theme Song Unit "World 8", England's Cast Sugiyama Noriaki only Interview

Unlike the one above, this interview is for nontan only >__< Though the comment is a little overlap but it's so awesome~~!

"Koi no mannaka" Cast Interview

Cute pic >__< Is Takeuchi that tall?? Or is Toriumi that short??

「ヤンデレ天国(ヘブン)~真誠学園 高等部編~」CD取材レポート
"Yandere Heaven~Makoto Gakuen Koutoubuhen~" CD Report

I'm totally getting this CD~!

戦国BASARA3 バサラ祭2010~春の陣~ キャストコメント
Sengoku BASARA3 Basara Matsuri 2010 ~Spring Formation~ Cast Comment

This pic's a little creepy....


Hoshi Souichirou

Break Blade Official Blog (04/15)

They're doing audio commentary for the 1st movie ^__^

Toriumi Kousuke

たかはし智秋(Takahashi Tomoaki)'s Blog (04/16)

What should I say about this.... they look like couple? with all the hearts?

Morita Masakazu

石川英郎(Ishikawa Hideo)'s Blog (04/26)

So cute, Ishikawa said in his blog "この子は本当に元気だったな"~! (This kid really is energetic) ^__^

鈴木里沙(Suzuki Risa)'s Blog (03/21)

Thank so much for razcolnicov about this~!

くまいもとこ(Kumai Motoko)'s Blog (04/22)

Morita really looked cute in all the pics~

Sugiyama Noriaki

Baobab's Blog (04/18 part1, 04/18 part2)

Nontan at a cosplay event "Cure Cosplay Festival Vol.2"~~ He and Tachibana, Narise were gust seiyuu, and they did open radio show >__< Japanese events are really awesome~~~

Baobab's Blog (04/24)

Nontan's doing advertised narration for the anime channel "Animax"~

Baobab's Blog (04/30)

Another school talk event~!! I'll be happy if I can at least go once >__< Btw, what is he doing??

morita: pics, tori: news, tori: pic, tori: radio, hoshi: news, sugiyama: pic, hoshi: pics, sugiyama: news

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