
Mar 07, 2006 12:06

longest survey ever ( Read more... )

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anonymous March 8 2006, 06:13:51 UTC
Have you ever
Given anyone a bath:
um. does jack count?

nope, have a slight case of acrophobia.

Made yourself throw-up:
probabaly as a little kid to get out of school, but that was AGES ago

Gone Skinnyy dipping:
hahahahaha, lmho. i'd laugh my head off if i ever saw that. lmho!!!!

Eaten a hot dog:
EW NO!!!

Put your tongue on a frozen pole:
haaaaaahahahahahaha, that reminds me of "a christmas story"

Loved someone so much it made you cry?
huge sigh...yes.

Broken a bone:
no, knock on wood

played truth or dare?
ha, when i was a little kid. i always had to do the stupidest stuff to...what was i thinking?

Been in a police car?
ahhhhumm...no i don't think so.

Been on a plane?
yes. and we hit a "bad patch of air". lmho.

been in a sauna:
ah, no.

been in a hot tub:
hmmm, yeah i think.

swam in the ocean:
yes and i almost got sucked away! lmho.

Fallen asleep in school:

Ran away?
no, ohhhhh well.

Broken someone's heart:

Cried when someone died:
holy cow. do you think i'd laugh?

Cried in school:
probably a few times.

Fallen off your chair:
actually...i fell off the toilet once...

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?:
ummm, yeah, jay. sad.

Saved e-mails:
like 494329847198479174891 million of them.

Fallen for one of your best friends?:
no, but a person i fell for became my best friend. yesssssss.

made out with "just" a friend:
hahahahahah, no. cause that kinda removes the "just a friend" part.

Used someone:
hm, not intentionally

Been cheated on:
not that i'm aware of.

What is...

Your good luck charm?
ah...none of the above?

Best song you ever heard:
holy cow! "here in my room" duh. but then there's like 4837493827483924 others, also.

Stupidest thing you have ever done:
lmho. please refer to "have you ever fallen out of your chair" question's answer.

What's your room like:
kinda dark, actually. stupid low wattage lightbulb.

Last thing you said:
um... "JACK!" i think. maybe. i dunno. or "stupid glass". can't really remember.

What is beside you:
emtpy space? ummm...my stereo and...a ton of tissues.

Last thing you ate today:
ramen noodles.

What kind of shampoo do you use?
the good kind, duh. suave.

Best thing that has happened to you this year:
ugh. definitely not being a subway slave...

Worst thing that has happened to you this year:
ah, being a subway slave.

Have you had..
Chicken pox:
in the first grade, and i've got the scars to prove it!

Sore Throat:

no ma'am


Broken Nose:
ha no.

Do You

Believe in love at first sight:
eh, not really.

Like picnics:

Like school:

Would you/what is

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars?
ew gross. would you, you freak?!

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you?:
hmm, jay, kimber, neco, christine...and umm...i dunno. someone who can cook i guess. lmho.

Who was the last person that called you:

Who was the last person you slow danced with:
holy cow. darryl wayne? i have no clue.

Who makes you laugh the most?
haaa. jay and kimber.

What makes you smile?:
um. lmho. depends

-- --------------------------------------
Who is the last person:

You yelled at:
ummm. ben!

Who told you they loved you:

Who is your loudest friend?:
kimber, not jess! lmho


ksweetiebaby87 March 8 2006, 06:26:50 UTC
YESSSSSSSS!!!!! To bad u have been in a police car when we got them to give us a ride up to Hanson!!! hahahha!!! Good times!!!!


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