33 Ofuda [video, most likely accidental]

Jan 25, 2010 21:08

[There's a clatter, the sound of the communicator probably falling out of its perch, before the video turns on. It's.... the floor!

If one listens, they might be able to make out the muffled sounds of two people talking. One slow, steady and quiet, the other fast and irritated, almost demanding. Both are speaking in Archaic Japanese, however, and it's so disjointed by the muffled sound that it's almost impossible to make out what is being said.

There's the sound of a heavy sigh, a male...

And the communicator is picked up.

And for one, wonderful, perfect moment, the poor victim of Kayos fashion sense appears on the screen.]

[Just as quickly, he see's the little recording light and... ffff off it goes!]

he'll get over it, whhhyyyyy, not cool, scarves, gdit kayo, kitty cat does not like, ha ha ha, arguing like a married couple

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