29th Ofuda -voice/text translation-

Dec 19, 2009 07:13

[The Medicine Seller =/= a fan of kissing. He's not a prude and he has nothing against all the rest of you making out to your hearts content.

But if you don't mind, he's going to sit this one out.

Or try anyway. Not much kissing trouble he can get into if he doesn't go out wandering today. Though really, he'd be outside if he could but get to the door without inevitably meeting someone.

So instead he's going to chill in the apartment room and contemplate the festively decorated ceiling.]

... Interesting tradition.

[[ooc: Comment log open to all the unfortunates that share the apartment with him! Anji, Chip, Baiken and Kayo (t-tell me if I'm missing someone).]]

don't go outside, only a little trapped, get rid of it, what?, no close contact kthx, westen traditions are weird

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