Nov 24, 2009 01:01
[Your local Medicine Seller is bored, Discedo. However, he still has conventional ways of keeping himself entertained (other than harassing poor Maxwell). Do you know what this means?
Riddle time!]
What walks all day on its head?
There were five men going to church and it started to rain. The four that ran got wet and the one that stood still stayed dry.
I am the beginning of sorrow, and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me, yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk, yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, but I am never out of darkness.
A white dove flew down by the castle. Along came a king and picked it up handless, ate it up toothless, and carried it away wingless.
riddles again!,
riddles forever,
and then i got bored