Mar 02, 2010 13:34
A familiar sound if you know the Medicine Seller. Someone is finally on the move again. Well... there's no one left that he was originally rooming with and the apartment room itself is more or less all exploded thanks to the weather.
There's no Medicine Seller on the screen as it flickers on, though one can make out his shadow on the wall, along with the shadow of the medicine box. Looks like he made maybe a little fire, or at least lit a lantern.
A shadow that is cast over a statue of a cowled woman holding a lantern, and the smallest bit of a... paw tied against a piece of wood. The rest of the animal is off camera, and has rather obviously been long dead.
Seems he's decided to move to the museum.]
... All of life moves on. Losing some and leaving others. It all returns to dust, and renews itself in another shape.
[Kayo is gone. Baiken is gone. Anji is gone. Is he lonely? ... Hard to tell.]
It was spring yesterday.
gdit kayo,
not really alone,
no close contact kthx,
waxing poetic