Theme: Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous For Your Health
hover for icon creditYou know when it's so wrong, but still so right? Cigarette smoking isn't the best thing for your health, but it doesn't mean Kristen doesn't look pretty hot doing this. How can puffing on a stick look good on her? I don't know but it does. Good luck!
- You may submit up to THREE (3) icons
- Only use the images provided Use ANY image featuring Kristen plus a cigarette!
- Icons must comply with LJ's standards (100x100 pixels and mus be less than 40 kb)
- Effects like blending, use of text and textures are allowed; however animations are prohibited
- Icons entered in the challenge cannot be posted anywhere else until the challenge results are posted
- Submit icons by replying to this entry in image form (IMG SRC) and in URL form
- Deadline for submission of entries is on September 16 10PM
EST Entries [06/11]