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Cover of the current issue (6 May 2015).
Stewart, on her second trip to South Korea, spoke highly of the place, partaking its famously fiery food and notoriously brutal spa treatments. “We walked through a park. We ate a lot of Korean barbecue. I made myself really sick, which is awesome. I ate too many chilis. We went to a Korean spa and I’ve never been cleaner in my entire life or less relaxed,” said the actress, who is gearing up for two new movies, with Ang Lee and Woody Allen. “I don’t have any more skin.”
From the scan:
The tweeds appealed most to Stewart. “I always love seeing the different takes on tweeds, because you think...how many versions can there be?” she noted. “But the neon was something very surprising and something that I’m really attracted to. I liked the relaxed fit in the tweed suits. Maybe it’s just me projecting, but it’s a little bit more androgynous but so beautiful.”
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