Jun 04, 2010 13:40
Laineys latest post on Kristen:
Kristen Stewart's Perfect Apology
Click here for my comments earlier this week about Kristen’s Stewart’s rape remark in Elle UK. I compared her asstalking to Megan Fox’s - a symptom of celebrity narcissism and youthful righteousness. Stewart has now issued an apology via People.com and here’s where her behaviour is admirably different from Fox’s. When Stewart f-cks up, she knows how to properly atone:
"I really made an enormous mistake - clearly and obviously. And I'm really sorry about my choice of words."
It’s a good apology. A sincere apology. It doesn’t come built in with excuses. It doesn’t lash out to deflect at others. It doesn’t attempt to justify. It is, simply, Remorse and Contrition. And ownership. And accountability. Attributes that are too often absent from the emotional range of young stars. At just 20 years old, Kristen Stewart is expected to make mistakes. They will all make mistakes. It’s how she owns it that will set her apart. As I noted the other day:
She’s much smarter than this. So I have full confidence that when she steps of the bubble post Bella Swan, she’ll probably wake up to it.
Well we didn’t have to wait. Girlcrush is fully restored.
Am attaching photos of Kristen Stewart from her appearance on Oprah last month because I loved her hair that day and under that flattering Oprah lighting and camera work, it was extra extra gorgessity.
PS. I’d not watched that particular TwiHard episode of Oprah but Lo made me sit through the “mom” scene last night. Jesus Christ, WHY would you allow yourself to be seen by millions with your loser basement filled with Edward blankets and pillows???
Source: www.laineygossip.com
media: article,
.lainey tells it like it is,
misc: people talk about kristen