Hot! HAWT! And whose that little boy in a dress? Oh, hey Kristen Stewart! We should have known that was you from the scowl on your face, but the pixie cut and the heels threw us off.
We thank you for attempting to look feminine for a change by not wearing your Converses. Kudos to you. Keep forcing that smile to hide your utter misery!
But now on to better looking people - how delish is Robert Pattinson?! Very!
When he came out last night with K-Stew and Taylor Lautner to present their new New Moon trailer at the VMAs, fans went crazy!
He is super-duper foxy fine!
And Taylor is working on his own smoldering look. No other teen icon has a chance when these fellas are around.
A bravo to you both for looking so damn good!
source: perez hilton
surprise, surprise. i'm shocked.