make a move on me baby. i can't be the one who's always taking chances.

Mar 01, 2005 02:58

it's 2:45 am and i am still awake. because i was doing a bit of studying up on this dream i had last night (are you taking notes amanda?)

i was at some bizarre grocery store with amy (the_chase_away).
and she was trying to get me to steal some cigarettes. she was stealing some type of bottled alcohol. (not beer; something nicer like wine or vodka) and all of it was at a strange kiosk in the center of the produce section.
i was obviously nervous as hell. i've never stolen a thing in my life. but she was fearless. she kept urging me to just take a pack already because someone was coming. so, after browsing for a bit, i chose a pack of parliament ultra lights. as they were in my hand, i continued to think about how i was going to get them out the door without triggering an alarm, and toyed with the idea of tearing off the panel of the box with the upc code before my dad rudely woke me up.

now, anyone who knows me knows that i am straight edge, so it's absurd that i would be coerced into not only condoning her actions, but repeating them myself. after looking up somethings on stealing, grocery stores, cigarettes, and feeling anxiety in a dream, i've come to the conclusion that the dream was about how i have(n't) been taking care of myself.

x to be in a grocery store indicates that one is feeling emotionally or physically deprived of something.
x to steal in a dream also demonstrates a lack of fulfillment and where one is stealing from is indicative of the things being deprived.
x cigarettes indicate not only the need for a break, but also dependency. it was also noted that, since i am against smoking, my dream is telling me that i am doing something to adversely affect my health.
x and the anxiety demonstrates how i feel in my waking life. i may have unexpressed emotions or repressed thoughts or resentment or hostility.

for the record i've been eating and sleeping less due to acute insomnia and lack of motivation and i'm sure you can guess where the anxiety stems from.

there are probably some things that i didn't explore that could hold some other things. for instance, why was it amy instead of someone else? why wasn't she scared that we were going to get caught? why why why...
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