Title: Theory of Relativity
Author: Trista_zevkia
Chapter: 1/2
Fandom: Star Trek, 2009 Movie
Characters/Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG-17
Warnings: SLASH POV Changes at a break in the thing, Familiarity with Episode 'Journey to Babel' is probably required. Sorry.
tropeFirst time, third person matchmaker
Summary: Sarek sees something suspicious.
Disclaimer: All monies made will be converted to intergalactic space credits, since gold pressed bars of platinum are a nuisance to carry in zero-g.
Author's Notes: There's something to be said for relatives... It has to be said because it's unprintable!
-- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
For STRelativity challenge.
Your prompts are: closet, photograph, pagan ritual, bullies.
Your group number is: 10
Your posting date is: July 22
Chapter 1Chapter 2