Nov 02, 2004 11:26
oh what fun........
I'm bored. just sitting at home waiting until i have to go to work, while my daughter makes a mess of ritz crackers that she is eating...... god how i am bored.
Blah I wanna hang out with someone..... Like kyle. wait we are gonna hang out never mind. Yeah saturday we are we're gonna go see a movie....... well most likely i don't know. Have a sober night, well maybe have a sober night...
did i mention i was bored. anyway there really isn't much going on. I'm almost out of cigarettes.
I microkorged a shirt of mine and a skirt it way awesome. they look so freaking cool.
on halloween me steph and kevin sat home and watched cheesy teenybopper movies that all ironically took place during the halloween time.... it was really weird. but it was fun. I wish i had done more that night but oh well..... you can't win every time. And since saturday i'm hanging out with loveable loveable kyle. everything should be quite dandy...... of coruse i can't get him until after 7:00 so hopefully im there by 8:00 since i have all those wonderful shift change duties... yippie. i get paid on thursday thank god....
ok not much else to say. but i am BORED BORED BORED BORED... call me anyone i bug you too.......
The new episode of laguna beach comes on tonight im so playing it at work. Since i have to work when it comes on. oh yeah what fucking fun.