Один из создателей Высшей школы экономики Лев Любимов в
интересной статье в "Ведомостях" пишет о том же, о чём пишут много, но недостаточно - о проблемах высшего экономического образования в нашей стране и цитирует мою колонку 2008 года о том, что нужно, по существу, строить экономические факультеты в нашей стране "с нуля". Это хорошо, что Лев
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Comments 19
Мне как выпускнику матмеха УрГУ это интересно.
cильные только тут:nes.ru
As for Research universities, departments and so on, yes, by itself they would not create any trouble for Prof. Kara-Petrov from Muxosransk Polytechnic directly. He will still teach his 300 h, he would not do any research, etc.
What it would change is LEGITIMIZATION of modern economics. Once those departments are in place, your beloved "respectable academicians" are gone. Then THEY are determining the agenda and what to teach and how and what not to teach. In a sense, this is what happens in Spain and France (up to lesser extend). Then the discussion is within the same "set of general principles". It is like this famous Samuelson quote about textbooks.
The issue of having "State certification" is secondary at best. We always had it, and diplomas were perfectly unequal under USSR as well.
Why is that the demand for quality education is low now? Well, isn't it just a reflection of general problems with modernization in general?
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