Годовой отчёт о продуктивности 2018

Feb 01, 2019 10:07

Рескьютайм в этом году ужасно поленился и сделал отстойный отчёт по сравнению с прошлым годом, но всё равно любопытно. Я провёл за компом на 308 часов меньше:

Рекомендую посмотреть их глобальный отчёт:
Workers average just 2 hours and 48 minutes of productive device time a day

21% of working hours are spent on entertainment, news, and social media

28% of workers start their day before 8:30 AM (and 5% start before 7 AM)

40% of people use their computers after 10 PM

26% of work is done outside of normal working hours

Workers average at least 1 hour of work outside of working hours on 89 days/year (and on ~50% of all weekend days)

We check email and IM, on average, every 6 minutes

40.1% of our day is spent multitasking with communication tools

The most distracted days of 2018 were Nov. 26 and July 7 (the Mondays after Thanksgiving and the 4th of July)

The State of Work Life Balance in 2019 (According to Data) - RescueTime

Here’s what we discovered about the state of work life balance after analyzing 185 million working hours of anonymized data


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Рескьютайм, Статистика, Руки из жопы

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