Dec 06, 2004 18:34
I dont really update on LJ anymore, but im still a compulsive reader of my friends posts, and i have noticed something the past few months and it's that everyone thinks they are really smart and intuitive of all "that is". This is a good thing, for I feel that most of my friends are rather intelligent human beings. I dont base my friends on what college they go to, and I'm not talking about my friends being book smart, I am saying I feel that my friends are, for the majority, intellectual human beings. Now I could have an endless discussion on what I mean by intellectual, but that does not matter for the point of this post. Ahh yes, the point. Now, there is no real point, I am not trying to change what anyone does or anyones personal opinion. The "point" is simply to state an observation I have had the past few weeks: There are many times people write things which seem like deep intelligent statements, yet in actuality are only specious phrasing. Whats worse is people comment agreeing with or praising the statement.
Now before you comment on how I have become a prick, or how I feel I am smarter, or how I am only writing this to seem smart , or any of that other bullshit let me explain. I only care because I feel that if you are posting things which are wrong (and yes they are wrong, not I think they are wrong, but they actually don't make sense but seem like they might) and people are agreeing with them, no one is becoming better for it. We are in times where (now this is my opinion so take what you will) it is extremely important for people to be intelligent and think for themselves so they can make smart decisions. It is crucial that people begin to make decisions not by their first instincts, not by what they think is best (especially things which are "best for themselves"), but by what is right and what is best for humanity. Now, you may ask how an LJ error could hurt humanity? Well I guess it can't, but if everyone begins thinking in ways which dont make sense, I dont know what kind of world we live in. I dont know where I am going with this second paragraph, it may ruin the observation I was trying to show, but I am just writing whatever comes to my head. I feel that one of the greatest achievements I have obtained thus far in my life is that I have surrounded myself with great intelligent people. So please, if you want to be my friend dont be an idiot, ha, kidding, but really there are enough "dumb-fucks" in this world and I would like to continue the spread of insightfulness throughout the world.