Aug 21, 2006 00:23
I think it might be the time of the year for us NSWer's in Melbourne to have a rough time, Ann.
So, following Ann's suit:
1) My dad has apparently found the 'perfect guy' for me. Aka: Ben, one of the guys who does my course, who I got a job working for my dad. Now dad has been constantly inviting Ben to dinner while he's been in Melbourne, but thank god Ben lives in the middle of nowhere. But congratulations dad, now we can hardly look at each other without blushing and being all embarrassed. MY DAD TRIED TO SET US UP!!!
2) I spoke to Frank the other day, and whats that? he lied to me about everything! Even his name, and he cant comprehend why i am so mad. He basically stole some guy's identity, adn claimed it as his own, and thus that is all I knew him as. AND he expected me to just fall over myself for him again? I don't think so.
3) I went to the CEO's and Secretaries party on Thursday night, and my god. After being some kind of emotional wreck for the last 2 weeks, getting drunk might not have been the best idea.
a) I was so drunk I cant barely remember the night, but I think I might have abused the shit out of my best friend here
b) I accidentally hooked up with Joey again, and he whipped his dick out on the dance floor while we were kissing, and that was the defining moment when I went, "holy shit, Joey?" and pushed him away.
c) I got married to Rob and divorced him
d) I then somehow got onto the topic of crying and freaking out about
i) uni work
ii) dad expecting more HD's this semester
iii) Frank lying to me and treating me like shit
In the end, I was hysterical, and refused to go anywhere, and was running away from Rob and Will, until Will got the shits and towed me home, where Rob had to talk some sense into me before I ran outside again. Intense
4) I called a taxi to take me to the city at 3am, and because I was still shattered, Rob and Will once again came as my wonderful guardian angels, but they were speaking in French all the way to the city, so I cracked it at them
5) Rob now thinks I'm utterly crazy, but seeing as though I put up with his strangeness, I think we now see the score as even
6) Fri night I had to work
7) Saturday I was supposed to go watch Rob play rugby, but I didn't and told him I was there, but he mustn't have seen me
8) I had to edit a group assignmetn, and the itnernationals in my group plaigerised the whole thing and nothing makes sense
9)I had to work on Saturday night with hardly any staff, and a bunch of dead shits
10) Ben didnt send the group assignment to me so I can do the presentation on Thursday.
11) Now, because of all the lame stuff which happened to me these last few weeks, I'm ready to just lie on the floor and sleep, but i have 8 assignments due in the next 3 weeks. Fuuuuuuck.
And like Ann, I know I'm whingeing, but sometimes, you've just got to do it.