
Aug 24, 2009 20:19

I've been bad about updating lately. Fiona got to come home on August 6th, after an emotional roller coaster the day before. Originally she was suppose to come home on the 5th, she was even discharged but as I was feeding her before we left (in a different position with a very forceful nurse) she had a brady cardia episode that was bad enough that they didn't want to release her. At that point I had complete melt down and cried for almost 45 minutes. All I wanted was my little girl to come home. I ended up staying at the hospital and did every one of her feedings. Since she hadn't had any more problems the next morning they decided to release her. We left as soon as they discharged us, and I FINALLY got to leave the hospital with a living baby. And yes I cried as we left, but they were tears of happiness.

Having her home has been amazing. She has grown so much in the 2 1/2 weeks. She has gained 19 1/2 ounces and grew 1/2 an inch. She is now 6 lbs 7 oz and is 20 inches. She has already outgrown most of her preemie clothes (expect the Jack and Jane ones, those are bigger and are her best fitting clothes at the moment).

I love to sit and hold her and just watch her many expressions, and boy is she expressive! So far she has been a relatively easy baby. Doesn't cry too much; is happy sleeping in her bassinet (most of the time); and settles pretty quickly when she is upset (which is mostly when she is hungry and we are not fast enough in feeding her).

Speaking of feeding... that has so far been the one problem. Not with her... with me. I've gotten mastitis 3 times now. First in the right, then the left, and now the right again. She doesn't like to feed from me when the infection first starts, and I don't blame her, I normally run a fever of at least 102 for a few days. The first time the fever reached 104.4 and I ended up going to the ER. Luckily this time it wasn't so bad. But unfortunately it did decrease my milk supply. At the moment I still out produce her, but I don't know for how much longer. I'm hoping the right side recovers (its the side that keeps getting infected and the side that the milk supply decreased).

I have a ton more to update on and a bunch of photos to upload but it is someones dinner time and boobie (who we joke has become its own entity in the house, at meal time Fiona "battles" boobie... sometimes literally because she likes to flail about and hits and scratches me) is being called into action.


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