you know that part in little mermaid when ariel wakes up to discovers that prince eric has found his mystery girl and is to be wed at once Ariels feelings, her whole reaction in that scene- That.. That is me right now minus the whole turns out to be Ursula in disguise/prince under a spell blah blah .. oh no this shit is real.
so i ask why God? ? why must you put me through this over and over again? i ask so little and appreciate so much that me liking just one guy isnt enough and my heart must break.
and i did. I liked him SO much.
He wasnt just some 'one guy' . .. i thought for sure the feelings/emotions were the same.
i know you cant make someone fall in love with you but i had hope that he'd choose me.
i wished, i hoped, i PRAYED.
im tired . im tired of crying over boys. my heart cant take it anymore. i thought this time would be different. i felt like it was going to be different.
sadly i consulted a psychic too see what would happen. June was my month. June was when things are going to change and 'my guy' would come around. Slash that- Things in June were going to change and 'my guy' is NEVER going to come around.
so please God please. . give me break and shine some light on me. I would like to find that someone please and soon. I would like the guy that i have a crush on to return my feelings for once.
i know isnt your fault, God. its isnt anyones fault. not mine, nor his. it just the way life goes. it goes on. so must I.
as long as he is happy.