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Apr 07, 2005 22:44

So today was a busy day. First I had all these tests at school, but luckily the quarter ended and I think I pulled all A's and a B in physics. Then afterschool I had NHS duty with Mevesh. But NOBODY came to be tutored so we got to leave early which was really nice.
Then I had my EMT physical. Fun Fun Fun! Actually it wasn't fun, it was the most boring 2 hours of my life. And wow they worked me up. Between the blood drawing, a shot, an xray, a drug test, an EKG, a treadmill stress test, a pulmanary test, and a physical, I didnt think there was much else they could possibly do to me. Haha but the funniest was that I got picked up by a 21 year old black firefighter. He was asking me wat station I worked at and then outta the blue he was like "Hey, can I get ur number? *WINK*"
OMG I seriously thought he was joking, but then I saw his face and realized he was totally serious! So I was just like "uhhh....hah sorry I have a boyfriend..." (which is like the biggest lie ever but I really didnt wanna hurt his feelings.) I was contemplating giving him the REJECT HOTLINE number but then I realized that woulda been really mean. But seriously, who tries to pick up a girl when they dont even know her name?!?
Speaking of boys...its official now. Two of my three best friends have boyfriends. And not just any boyfriends...but rediculously good looking, sweet, charming boyfriends. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't be happier for both of them! Its just that sometimes I just wish I had their luck with guys. Being picked up by random sketchy dudes is not flattering. I guess its just something I gotta laugh at since I dont know what else to make of it.
Ok well I'm off to go chill with my cousin who is sleeping over! Tomorrow I gotta tackle all my hw and then go to the station for a few hrs. Hit my cell if u wanna chill sometime. Peayce!
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