rock you like a hurricane

Oct 19, 2005 10:24

Seriously, will the hurricanes ever end? It seems if it doesn't hit my parents it heads for my sister. I guess I am worried about Keiv - about being ready - about support - and just life. it seems when my faith should be strongest - it becomes the weakest - I am tired and I just need to give up the work of not trusting God - its hard work trying to be in control of your own life. but for some reason when I am about to give everything to God I get this feeling that it may not work out even though it always has (just not how I would have done it I guess)

to give trust is to give the ok that you are willing to take a beating - to feel hurt and embrace it with acceptence - God never promised it wouldn't hurt - just that through the process you wouldn't be alone and it would create something new in your character if you let it. I guess the not being alone part is comforting...

Funny - I am about to press return and a song started playing randomly in my itunes with the lyrics "Jesus you have carried me, you always will"

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