Thundercats vs. the forces of Mum-Ra

Mar 31, 2009 10:04

So at temple there are four of us who normally hang out. Ruth, Elias and my cousin BJ. It's an endless search to find a good time. We don't go clubbing (BJ is only 20) and plus it's kind of awkward rolling into the club still wearing your J-s-s clothes and Kippah.

In any case the four of us are tight, we normally just have one problem. My ever present church stalker. Those of you who are down here know who i'm talking about. No explanations necessary. In the interest of avoiding leprosy, mildew in my clothes, or a mold outbreak at the house, I shant go into any details. Let it suffice to say that there is someone who has an unhealthy (and most certainly unwanted) fascination with me.

So the four of us eventually, while talking about the old days as kids, stumbled upon a cartoon we all knew and loved growing up. Thundercats. We each took on the monicers of one of the characters. Since I'm the leader, I'm Lion-O. Elias is Tygra, Ruth - Cheetarah, and BJ, since he's the other black guy, is Panthro. In any case as we would go out and we're all trying to evade the senior church member that is always trying to tag along, I let slip and accidentaly called her Mum-Ra. It just somehow fit.

So Saturday I'm trying to make my escape. The others (Panthro, Tygra, and our friend Pia) have already made it to rendevouz (.A) Cheetara is able to make it away. I unfortunately wasn't able to escape the gaze of... Mum-Ra! The Ever Annoying! I finally manage to have Ruth's brother distract Mum-Ra while I slip over to the other church building on the compound. At this point Elias is directing me like he's Morpheus from the first Matrix movie.

(Mr. Wizard! Get me the hell out of here!)

I'm about to make it out the doors and get to his car when someone needs help with a table. According to my conscience, but against my better judgement, I help with the table. As I set the table down I get a call.

"You have 20 seconds get out now, go go go, she's coming for you!"

I turn around and say. "Too late". Mum-Ra was right behind me.

"Where did Ruthie go?" she asks. "I only found you."

Of course she found me. "Um... I'm not sure, did she leave with her brother?"

"I'll call her and check."

"You do that, I'll check to see if she's inside". In the meantime i quickly call my cousin. "Panthro, tell Cheetara to say she's with her brother. I'll have [person] drop me off at home and we rendevouz there."

The plan was executed. It took longer than expected. Yet we won. We went to Karaoke. We sang, had drinks (I love it that we can all drink together). It was good times. Now to come up with a Thundercats name for Pia.

temple, party, thundercats

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