My refusal to share 25 random things.

Feb 03, 2009 09:53

So I'm on Facebook and every couple of days I keep getting niotifications that "you've been tagged in a note". 'Oh really?' I think to myself. 'I wonder what people are saying about me'. So I go through the trouble of logging in and find that no, they aren't talking about me. It's just another bit of narccisistic sludgery about themselves. I'm just tagged I suppose so I'll get in on it too.

Now granted, my narcissism knows no bounds. I love myself. Heck, I'm attracted to girls who have similar personalities as mine *just* because of I think I'm that hot and intruiging. Yet I'm sorry, I'm not doing this. This "25 random things" thing is not only ridiculous but it involves more work that it initially implies. For instance. To truly get 25 "random things" you'd actually have to compile a larger database of data concerning one's self. At that point, a randomizing device (such as dice) would be utilized. Notice, most computer based randomizers are not actually all that random. Also to increase the randomness one would need a larger and larger database. I'm sorry... that's too much work, besides my inherant adversion to trends.

Hang out with me for about 20 minutes, especially when I'm with my cousin BJ. We'll get random enough for you. So I've compiled a list of people who should know better. Yes, I'm callin y'all ignant folks out, cus I'm that much of a jerk mwahahaha :


Not cool peoples... y'all need better hobbies.

trends, facebook

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