Apr 19, 2012 20:27
So it's another new year for me... this one biological. I am now actually within my 30's. Thirty One to be exact. There are a couple of things I feel I didn't accomplish last year that I wanted to. One was go sky diving to show anything my sister can do I can do better. Yet I did risk my life in a bigger way. I got married. I've changed rates within the military and today I have become a rated AME. I've walked the Appalachian Trail and done the Freedom walk in Boston, seeing sites like the Boston Massacre and Paul Revere's grave and seen where Samuel Adams stirred the colonists to revolution against England (but not where he made beer :( sadly). I was in Times Square for the dropping of the ball at Midnight. All of which I did with my beautiful wife Rut. I'm also about to get my first place with her. Whew... one mess of a year.
So this year's ten things I've learned:
10. Being Faithful is depriving yourself of that second look when the other woman walks by, or having lunch with that gorgeous coworker even when your wife wont know.
9. To expand on an earlier lesson, the friends the Holy One (Blessed be He) provides are for the moment your in. Take them, receive them, appreciate them. Sometimes they are only for a moment, and that time with them shall pass.
8. Marriage is finally having someone to wash your back in the shower.
7. No matter what a temptation tells you, there is no contentment in sex outside of marriage. Oh there's champagne in sex outside of marriage. Yet you don't want champagne. You want contentment, and there's no contentment in sex outside of marriage.
6. Live an unselfish, guileless life. It reaps dividends (such as help paying off your debt to college, or assistance with your wedding).
5. Good friends not only come in handy in the hardest moments of your life, but when they're in relationships they come with significant others who will help just as much as your friends.
4. Nothing says male bonding like staying up all night for a bachelor party then having Mikvah at the beach at sunrise... followed by breakfast of course.
3. A person is either like wine or vinegar. He either gets better with age or sours.
2. Patience. Cus if the night runs over, and if the day wont last, and if your way should falter along this stoney pass... Well, it's just a moment, this time will pass.
1. You can't always need what you want. No, you can't always know what you want. Lastly, you can't always get what you want. Yet if you try sometimes, you might find (you just might find) you get what you need.
There... the lessons I've learned. Airman 5h4w respectfully requesting XP for this year. It's going to be a very... interesting year. I go "to the fleet". I'll actually be living as a married man. Whew! Let's see what happens. I'm k5h4w. Let's get Kreemed. Love yo faces!
xp request