First post D:

Nov 24, 2006 23:41

My first post in this lj! Yey!

Tales of the Abyss rocks. I just want to say that Luke is *so* adorable with his hair cut. It's much better than when he had longer hair, because... I don't know, I just can't explain it, but I hated it when he had long hair. :P

Oh, anyway... I saw some cute doujinshis of Luke and Tear on Ebay. Argh, I want these titles. Luke and Tear are so cute, and it was so funny when Luke found out he had been sleeping on Tear's bed all that time and started to blush like crazy, with Mieu and Tear all "..." because they couldn't get why he was so red.

): Is it because Abyss is a fairly new game, but I can hardly find any fanfiction on the net. It's such a nice game, it deserves way more attention that it has now. Agh... I should write a Luke/Tear fic someday too.

Fanfic! Fanfic! Fanfic!

Title: For Someone So Troublesome
Description: For such a troublesome girl, Ino sure knew how to make Shikamaru relax. ShikaIno one-shot.
Series: Naruto
Pairing: Shikamaru/Ino
Disclaimer: insert witty I-don’t-own-this-series-please-don’t-sue-me phrase here.

shikaino, tales of the abyss, fluff, fanfiction, naruto

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