It's almost that time of year...

Oct 02, 2007 07:54

No, not Halloween, and not the holiday season. I'm talking about National Novel Writing Month! What could be more fun than writing a terrible, painful, unintelligible 50,000-word novel in 30 days?

Joking aside, I've found it to be a fantastic creative experiment and a true lesson in time management. It turns out that I have more time than I think I do, and sometimes a half-hour is ten times more productive than a half-day. NaNoWriMo encourages a wannabe writer to turn off the inner editor, at least for a while, and concentrate on getting words down on paper, which for me is always the hardest part.

I've only done it once (last year) but I can honestly say that:

a) I did it, finishing with 50,034 words
b) The more I wrote, the more I could write - i.e., I wrote faster by the end
c) I never missed a single episode of Heroes
d) I woke up happy and rarin' to go every morning (which is more than I can say the other 11 months of the year

I'll be traveling during the first and last weeks of November this year, but that's not going to stop me from trying. Anyone else in?


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