Dec 18, 2008 20:19
I thought it would be pretty funny to fill this out for some reason:
1) What was your FIRST video game console?
I have never owned a video game console
2) Name a few games you played on said console.
3) Excluding handhelds, how many VG consoles do you own presently?
4) Were you a Street Fighter nut? Any character in particular?
5) Do you think Capcom is a FUCKING awesome company with kickass character designs?
I cannot match games to companies off the top of my head, aside from Mario.
7) What's your favorite RPG/Action RPG?
I have never played one
8) Do you prefer 2D games or 3D games?
9) Are you an SNK fan?
I don't know what this is.
9) Are you good at DDR?
Only when not comparing me to anyone else
11) Have you skipped out on important events in life because of video games?
12) Do you listen to video game music?
Sometimes the Tetris theme gets stuck in my head
15) Name three games you would love to see remakes of if it was done properly
I dunno
16) Mario or Sonic?
Mario :)
18) What is your LEAST favorite genre of video games? (ex. fighting, sports, shooters, etc.)
Um... whatever Starcraft is.
19) Is there a game out there that you feel was unique and didn't get enough love?
20) Have you ever verbally abused a game because you couldn't beat one of the levels and/or bosses?
I don't think so.
21) Do you own any VG apparel?
22) What are your thoughts on the live-action Super Mario Bros movie?
I think I remember it existing
23) On that note, what did you think about the live-action Street Fighter movie?
I don't remember that existing.
24) Who's hottest out of the KOF chicks?
I don't know what that is.
26) Have you ever lent someone a game and they returned it to you damaged?
30) Have you ever cried after you beat a game? If so why?
The only game I've ever beat was Halflife 2. and nope.