Beware! Bitchy post comming right up!

May 06, 2006 12:12

A question here: Can a person act like an ass-hole and get away with it just because it is over the net? I believe some people think so. Or they just missed the netiquette-memo. I am highly annoyed here ( Read more... )

netiquette, world of warcraft

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Comments 17

beanbeans May 6 2006, 04:40:52 UTC
GAH! Poor honey! *hugs*


kseenaa May 6 2006, 05:55:29 UTC
I'll live, although it was very, very annoying. People... Gnnnh!!! Sometimes I think being a hermit is not such a bad idea...


godiz May 6 2006, 05:37:10 UTC
There are idiots everywhere! I've had the same experience on ICQ as well that's why I hardly chat through that system anymore.


kseenaa May 6 2006, 05:53:58 UTC
I know. But most of my friends are still on ICQ, so what can one do, eh? :-P I'll live. As long as I can complain about it a bit now and then. ;-)


godiz May 6 2006, 06:22:14 UTC
You can convince them to cross over to msn which is the one I use mainly these days. ;)p

Of course you can, it is a human right! ;)


kseenaa May 6 2006, 07:25:28 UTC
That would be one way to go, yeah... But trying to talk chigrima in to use new program's on her comp is, if not but nearly, impossible... ;-) So, what nick/mail do you use on MSN?


astroflammante May 6 2006, 06:04:27 UTC
*hugs* The internet can be a very annoying place at times... The idiots seem to outnumber us sane people by scores. Just don't let the idiots win.

Btw... I've managed to get my hands on a season of Xena... I'm having a lot of fun! :-)


kseenaa May 6 2006, 06:12:43 UTC
I think your right about the idiots there... Le sigh...

A season of Xena, eh? Cool! Wish one of the seasons is it?


astroflammante May 6 2006, 06:39:09 UTC
Season four... So I'm a bit confused, as I don't know much about what happens before. But that's ok, at least it's something better than seeing the same discovery show for the umpteenth time...


kseenaa May 6 2006, 07:26:50 UTC
True, true... Not much new on that channel is it? Now I must ask, why didn't you start from the beginning of Xena??? Or was it a spur of the moment thing?


chigrima May 6 2006, 06:05:21 UTC
*hugs* Annoying people, eh?


kseenaa May 6 2006, 06:13:42 UTC
No kidding... Haven't you had that problem on ICQ? According to godiz it happens to her to.


chigrima May 6 2006, 11:38:13 UTC
Never, perpper pepper knock on wood. And I certaily wants it to stay that way....


chigrima May 6 2006, 11:39:13 UTC
Ahem. That was me, if you didn't get that... ^_^;


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