Time for one of those long updates on my life... and a meme or two to.

Apr 19, 2006 23:02

Ah yes. Lets start in the right order, shall we?

Easter came and went, without much celebrating from our part. I had eggs for breakfast on Easter Day... That was all. And on Good Friday we went to SAMA, Scandinavian Alternative Music Awards 2006. Electronical music all night long... I just got one thing to say... This kind of music should be listend to live... I was very much impressed with it! Peter loves this kind of music, and has done for years. I didn't though. But I do know. Especially the last of the bands, who impressed me like hell! VNV Nation. Brits. They do know there shit for sure. I was totally stunned by there music. Need to get there new album. Peter has all, except the latest. Have to do something about that.

And so easter is over. Enter job. Yes. I did get the job at the hospital information center. It is not 100% yet. I am on trial for three days (today, thursday and friday), but today went very well! The job is not so hard. A bit stressful around noon, it seemed, with alot of people comming in and asking for help and what not. The programs they use on there computers are not to complicated, so I think I will managed that quite easily. I mean, I worked a bit alone today, and I figured out most of what I had to do. The other people working there are very nice. Just one more in my age, and two is in the late middle ages. I do mean late. A lot of gossiping between the elder once. And then there is two around 40. All very nice though, and kinda fun to talk to, despite the gossiping part. This is looking like a great job, while waiting for the dream-job at a library... :-D It was hell though to get up at 6am when used to going to bed at 5am...

The best part with getting this job is that we know can afford to buy a new comp... FINALLY!!!! My old comp is slowly dying. I need a new one. Although the comp we will buy Peter will get. And I will get his. Considering all the work he has done on that thing, I am so not complaining... In two or three weeks we will order it. So is the plan at least. And I think it might work out. Things are definitly looking up for us, economy-wise.

And as always...

HA HA! Tricked ya'!

1. Make an LJ-cut post with "DO NOT READ" as the text.
2. Do not select a 'mood' for this post.
3. If anyone clicks the cut, they HAVE TO comment and admit to doing so.
4. Anyone who reads this also has to do the same in THEIR journal, thus continuing the neverending madness.

Got tricked at cafedemondes andclaudia6913s journals. Do spread the madness!

job search, work, comp-stuff, easter, party

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