Yep! Staying up all night, sleeping all day. Me being much crazy, ya ya. :-P I blame it on Peters job. :-) He is working nights this month, so that makes World of Warcraft mighty tempting when he leaves, and yes, I get stuck. :-) That game sure is addicting. Quite proud of myself to. Got my lovely tauren hunter up to lvl 33 tonight. Go me! Ended up in a great guild with her to. A small guild where everyone is helping each other, roleplay alot and having fun. No demands that you have to do certain dungeons or battlegrounds to stay. Just be helpful and enjoy yourself. Good guild. The leaders found out I was a librarian, so now they asked me to help with our site, so it will be userfriendly and nice. Easy enough. :-)
On to RL-news. Was at moms this weekend. Was great meeting her and my big laud family! Gotta love them. Tough love has made me who I am. Lot of talking eating and having a general good time with gift-giving and all was had. Mom seemed to feel fine to. That always makes me happy. :-D Even my brother, usually the grumpy one, was hugging me and laughing and all. So for once my visit to my home town didn't give me a guilty conscience, it made me happy. :-) More of that, please?`
And lastly, some LJ-news. As you have noted, I am not so active in my comunities anymore. There is a good explination for that. I spend that time on WoW instead. :-) My dear friends, I will continue to follow your life, writings and whatever in your journals, I promise! I mean, seriously... What would I do without you? :-D
And to end... Found this at
sueworld2003. Don't know what to make of it, but I'll post it anyway. :-)
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