No big changes, but I am much, much more pleased now. I will not tweak with it anymore now. Not for long at least. :-) Again, thank you
silvestris for your help and inspiration! And to
anla! Couldn't have done it without you two!!! :-)
I have also updated my website with a couple of really nice wallpapers. I am very pleased with them! There is one I called Rain and one called Spank Me with pics of Lucy Lawless from two photoshots she once did for some magazines. They are REALLY hot!!! And they turned out much, much nicer then I thought they would. And then there is a wall I called Rage. It is with Spike and Xena on it. Two offeciall pics (same as on background). This also turned out much nicer then I thought. I find myself liking to put these two strong characters together. To bad there aren't any fanfic about them... :-P
Right. Now I am off to do some errends. And to end it, a fun little meme:
Edit: So, I couldn't help but tweak a little bit more. Now I HAVE to stop!!! But what can you do when you download so many nice fonts to play with from
Da Font???? :-P