Snowflake Challenge Day 10

Feb 17, 2018 23:47

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Day 10

In your own space, share your love for a trope, cliché, kink, motif, or theme. (Or a few!) Tell us what makes it work for you, and why it appeals to you so much. Talk about what you like to see in fanworks featuring that theme most. Feel free to include recs and examples!

OK, so… I almost don’t want to say. Which is horrible, because I’m pretty much kink-shaming myself. :-P If that is making sense.

Because I like darkfic. And I don’t mean just a little-spanking-so-called-darkfic. I mean down the rabbit hole absolutely horrible darkfic that could give you nightmares. That kind of darkfic.

It’s not written often, especially not in all fandoms. I think it depends on the fandom. Where darkfic is the ‘biggest’, if you could say that according to my experience, is in the Buffy-fandom. Because there’s vampires. And they survive anything and heal anything. (I’ve read fics where vampires have been cut to pieces. Literary. And been kept that way. Ehm…) So so much good darkfic in that fandom.

But to my surprise, once I learned how to use the fic warnings in various archives, there’s quite a lot of darkfic going on in the Tokio Hotel fandom to. Once you know HOW to look for them, they’re there. There’s more than you might think. And a lot of it is really good!

Not that much in the Pirates-fandom. Interestingly enough since there’s various variations of zombie-pirates… In the Pirates-fandom there’s, however, a lot of cliché fic! All the pirate-clichés you can think off! *lol* However, in the Pirates-fandom there’s quite a few fic where the writer has incorporated real historic people, pirates from history. Which is interesting. :-)

Oh, another fandom where you could find quite a bit of darkfic was in the Sons of Anarchy fandom, but that’s not so strange, is it? That whole TV-show was a darkfic in and off itself. *lol* Since the show has ended though there’s not much action going on in the fandom. A shame.

So… WHY do I like darkfic so much? I think it’s the same thing why I loved dark biographies when I grew up. I mean, I read some seriously dark stories when I grew up, apart from all the fantasy books I read. As an example two of my favorite books from when I was… 14 or 15 years old are Phantom by Susan Kay and And I don't want to live this life - A mother's story of her daughter's murder by Deborah Spungen, which should tell you a lot. :-)

And then there’s the little thing about my loving tru crime stories, and that’s pretty dark to, isn’t it? So I guess I just like dark stories, be it fiction, biographies or fanfic. :-)

This entry is cross posted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

fanfic, pirates of the caribbean, snowflake challenge, buffy/angelverse, books, tokio hotel, rpgs, sons of anarchy

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