100 Truths

Feb 10, 2018 01:51

100 Truths

001. Real name → Emma
002. Nickname(s)→ KSena
003. Zodiac sign → Cancer
004. Male or female → Female
005. Age → 40
006. Dream Job → Librarian, which I am. :-)
007. Eyes → Blue with a green hint to them.
008. Hair color → Naturally I'm dark/greyish blonde, but I am colouring it purple. :-)
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → Both? Talkative.
011. Sweats or Jeans → Sweats at home, jeans otherwise
012. Phone or Camera → Phone
013. Health freak → Definitly NOT!
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yep. Hubby!
016. Eat or Drink → Both!
017. Piercings → 5 in left ear, 3 in my right ear, one in my tounge, one in my lip on the left side.
018. Tattoos → One on each lower leg, one on each upper arm, one on my left lower arm and one on my left shoulderblade.

019. Been in an airplane → Yes
020. Had sex with someone you just met → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → No
022. Been in a fist fight → No (unless you count my brother). But I have stopped a few.

023. First piercing → Got my ears pierced when I was 6 years old
024. First best friend → Anna aka Ylletyg. 27 years and counting
025. First award → No idea
026. First crush → Can't remember
027. First time → Asshole, but really good in bed!
028. First big vacation → I was almost 4 years old when mom and dad took my WAAAAY north to the northen borders between Sweden and Norway. Summer before my brother was born.

029. Last person you talked to → My hubby
030. Last person you texted → My little brother
031. Last person you watched a movie with → My hubby
034. Last song you listened to → The American Murder Song called Pretty Lavinia
035. Last thing you bought → Spikes for my shoes so I won't slip
036. Last person you hugged → My kid

037. Food → ALL THE FOOD! :-D I love food, and I love desserts and sweets!
038. Drink → I prefer ciders, but I'd drink most thinks
039. Clothing → Jeans or sweats and a teeshirt
040. Flower → Orchids
041. Books → Biographies, preferably about old rock musicians
043. Movies → MANY! Fantasy/adventure/mystery etc...
044. Subjects → History... and litterature

IN 2018, I'VE ALREADY...
045. Kissed someone → Yes, hubby, kiddo, grandma... family basiclly
046. Celebrated Halloween → No, it's just February
047. Had your heart broken → No
048. Went over the minutes on your cell phone → No
049. Questioned someone’s sexual orientation → No
050. Came out of the closet → Already out, I guess
051. Got pregnant → No
052. Had an abortion → No
053. Did something you regretted → No
054. Broke a promise → No
055. Hid a secret → No
056. Pretended to be happy → No
057. Met someone who changed your life → My kid? No?
058. Pretended to be sick → No
059. Left the country → No
060. Tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it → No
061. Cried over the silliest thing → No
062. Ran a mile → No
063. Went to the beach with your best friend(s) → No
064. Got into an argument with your friends → No
065. Hated someone → No
066. Done something good for someone else → Yes, 'my' kids/teens at the school every day... there's always someone I help or give a comforting word to

067. Eating → Nope
068. Drinking → Tea and a sweet drink
069. I’m about to → Go to bed
070. Listening to → Pretty Lavinia by Amarican Murder Song
071. Plans for today → Go to bed soon and have a loooooong sleep in in the morning
072. Waiting for → Nothing special

073. Want kids? → Have one, can't have more
074. Want to get married? → Yes, at some point
075. Careers in mind → Be better at my profession

076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Doesn't matter
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
079. Nice ass or tits → Both
080. Sensitive or loud → Both
081. Hook-up or relationship → Both, but currently in relationship
082. Troublemaker or hesitant → Hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts lenses → Oh yes, I've done that MANY times!
084. Ran away from home → Yes, when I was 5... It didn't last long.
085. Hold a gun/knife for self-defence → No
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone’s heart → Not sure
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes
089. Cried when someone died → Yes

090. Yourself → Yes
091. Miracles → Yes
092. Love at first sight → Yes
093. Heaven → No
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → Why not? Yes
096. Kiss on the first date → Yes, definitly!

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes, my family
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Yes. Of course, I could have been rich and wealthy and... But apart from dreams, yes. I am.
099. Do you believe in God? → No
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people → If anyone feels like they want to, go for it! :-)

This entry is cross posted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.


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