The elephant in the room - Sugar...

Nov 07, 2017 23:43

We had a little birthday party for peting73's aunt's husband. And, of course, his cousin was there. She's gotten diabetes not that long ago, and of course has had to stop eat anything sweet. And she has done really well with that, she’s even stopped eating nearly all carbohydrates! So, she’s being good, which keeps her diabetes under control! So yay ( Read more... )

relatives, health, peting, life, birthday, ranting, family

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Comments 6

casey270 November 7 2017, 23:08:54 UTC
the body can handle sugars and carbs in the right amounts as long as you're active. type 2 diabetes isn't something you're born with or catch or something that develops on its own. as long as you don't overindulge in sugars and carbs and stay physically active, you don't have to feel guilty about not giving them up. they're both good sources for energy in a healthy body., not the evil things people try to make them out to be.

by the way, my dad is the same way. he ignored his diabetes until it was a major problem & now he tries to make everyone feel guilty for eating things he can't have anymore. when he first found out, it could have been controlled with exercise. now it's basic proteins and lots of veggies.


kseenaa November 11 2017, 23:26:35 UTC
Yeah, I know how diabetes work. You're in a higher risk if many have it in your family though, and there are soooo many in Peting's family that do. :-( So, sadly, I'm not surprised he and his cousin got it. :-P

I have eaten food without carbs before, and I did do very well on it. Lost a ton of weight to. But I just really really love carb-filled food. :-P

And I don't think they tried to make me feel guilty. They just care, even though it was exicuted in a bit of a strange way, maybe.


zukosphoenix November 7 2017, 23:49:59 UTC
I have Type II diabetes - for a year now - and I never talk about carbs or sugar with anyone. I don't talk about physical frailties with anyone, really, and I'm sorry that was the topic of conversation at a birthday. I mean, cake. Ice cream. If you can't eat it, then don't, and merely say, "Thank you for offering, it looks delicious."


kseenaa November 11 2017, 23:28:24 UTC
We only had one cake,to be fair. And it was without carbs in it. I made it myself. But Peting's relatives LOOOOOVE potatoes. Especially mashed potatoes, so there's always that during their birthdayparties. And that's carbs if I ever saw it... And they still discussed it. I mean, I know they do it just because they care, but ti still bothered me. :-P


brunettepet November 8 2017, 18:12:15 UTC
Sorry that happened. Here's hoping they don't make the birthday celebration uncomfortable, too.


kseenaa November 11 2017, 23:30:10 UTC
They didn't really. In fact, my MIL was worried I was angry with her about it, sicne she does read her on occasion. :-) I told her I wasn't, only that it does bother me that the conversation keeps popping up, you know? So we talked about it, and it's all good really. :-D

Maybe me writing about it and her reading it, and then us talking about it makes them think a bit about it in the future...? Who knows?


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