Ear update and just a bit of whining...

Sep 29, 2017 23:55

Ugh, ugh... Ears are still fucked up. Been to the doctors today, and was told I have liquid behind my eardrums. Yeah, I was at the nurses office/care center and had a doctor check them.

So now I have a special nasal drop/spray to take twice a day. I just hope it works. I can't really be away from work much longer... :-/ Mostly because I know how much stuff I have to do once I get back there.

Was supposed to be on the radio for a discussion-show, but since I can't hear... It's a bit hard to follow a discussion then. Gladly the show host managed to find someone else that could take my place. Phew.

Wednesday I have a class after work, so I kinda have to get back to it next week. It's at the university, so... Yeah.

My MIL called tonight all worried and asked why I hadn't been told about the trick where you hold your nose and blow, making the air go towards your ears instead of out your nose (since you hold it). That should pop the ears. But I've tried this. Several times. And it just doesn't work! It's the most common trick to use when these things happen. Apparently it has happened plenty times to my MIL. First time for me. I really hope it won't return...

Right now I mostly try to take it easy... and feel horrible that I can't hear what my kid is telling me... :-(

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health, pain, life, ranting, game of thrones, family

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