Midsummer depression and summer-plans...

Jun 22, 2017 00:07

Midsummer. Again. :-/ Ever since the disastrous trip to peting73 friend a couple of years ago I feel really horrible during Midsummer. Which ALSO bums me out, because Midsummer used to be one of my favorites holidays during the year. :-/


Thing is, it has gotten even worse. Because since my mom meet her gentleman caller, she goes to parties with him on Midsummer. So... Me and Alexandra is pretty much dumped all alone at Mom's house during Midsummer.

peting73 is going to his friend in the north this year to. And mom, well. She's going to two Midsummer parties with her gentleman caller, which makes me feel even more down. I mean, we're not able to go visit her that often, but still he goes first. :-/

If I'm jealous? A little, yeah. If we're there, why doesn't she want to hang out with us? When her gentleman caller is there, it's... I don't feel as comfortable. I don't know. It's odd. :-P

And I feel horribly guilty for saying that to. Because Mom seems to genuinely care and love him. *SIGH*

As you can clearly see I am not doing quite good right now. I hope I'll feel better shortly. I do have my vacation from work right now. Which doesn't mean I'll have it slow.

Oh no.
  • 22 - 28 June, Being at mom's and celebrating (ha!) Midsummer.

  • 2 - 6 July, snowstormskies are here visiting, which I'm SOOOO looking forward to!!!

  • 7 - 8 July, Astrid Lindgrens World Park with brother and his kids as well.

  • 10 - 12 July, Going to the coast and staying at a luxury hotel for two nights. Hopefully the weather will be nice...

  • 17 July, going back to work. So there's a lot of things going on. Fun things! I should be happy about it! It's just.... A lot. And then Midsummer... UGH. Next year I'll be renting a car, because that would take a load of the stress for me, to be quite honest.

Wish me luck tomorrow?

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

brother, health, peting, life, mother, vacation, swedish things, my love, mom, stress, midsummer, family

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