Fun Swedish Number calls, watching TV, family, work, fangirling, Prince...

Apr 22, 2016 14:33

I promised to say if I got any fun calls on The Swedish Number as a random swede. And I did some time ago actually. While doing dishes. In my pajamas. X-D

I had made myself available to take calls, and I got a call. And it was from a radio station in Paraguay. And I was suddenly live talking on the air.


Yes, I'm not even kidding. X-D We had a bit of a language problem since I couldn't speak spanish and they could barely speak english! *LOL* But we made do, and it worked out moderately fine. They wanted to know why I was taking calls, if I thought it was fun. Approximately where I lived in Sweden (so they could look on a map) and the best things I could recommend about Sweden (NATURE, NATURE, NATURE! And Allemansrätten!).

That was a FUN call! The guys were really cute. One of them could speak moderately well english. And I found out he'd learned it from movies. In particular, the Star Wars movies. Apparently such a big fan, he was called Jedi. Ha ha ha! SO AWESOME! They tracked my twitter down after I gave the name to them, so now I know what the station is called. Mandiorama! A bunch of true gentlemen, to be quite honest! So if you know spanish, well... ;-)

Here's their twitter: @Mandiorama and their Facebook: Mandiorama.

Since then I haven't taken that many calls, though. :-P I've amused myself to catch up on the the swedish TV show Let's Dance instead, which is the swedish version of Dancing with the stars. :-) It's very campy and cheesy and filled with clichés, but I can't help but love it.

I also follow a very nice documentary series that try to understand the many many beggers from Romania we have here in the city were I live, Borås. It has become a problem, and the question is HOW to help all these people the best? The documentary series is not saying it has an answer, it just wants to show that these are people too, they have a reason for being here and have lives like everyone else. It's gut-wrenching to watch, but important to, I believe.

What's more been going on? Not much. After Alexandra's run in with high fevers and that fever cramp, things has been going on as normal with her. Nothing strange there.

We visited mom and celebrated her birthday, which was GREAT! :-D When I asked mom what she wanted she said she wanted socks. OK then! The woman wanted socks, she’ll get socks. *LOL* So I bought a lot of fun ones from SockDreams. Made me giggle, and I knew mom would love it. :-)

Only problem was that for some reason they had some problem in the US, namely LA, when the package was to be shipped, so I didn’t get it until it was too late. And I’d ordered it with plenty time to! So she got some flowers instead and we decided she’d get her gift when next we meet.

Two days after we got home, her socks arrived. Which Alexandra thought was so much fun, so day after they’d arrived she decided that we were going to post grandma a package with her socks. *LOL* And Alexandra was SOOOO DETERMINED! So we wrapped them up, we sorta wrote a letter and after dinner we went to the nearest post office and posted it. Alexandra thought it was SO MUCH FUN!

(All clickable for bigger!)

Silly girl. *lol* Mom loved to get a surprise package though, so I’d call it a success. :-)

Work, well… it’s insane as ever. Preparations for our move from our temporary premises is in full swing behind the scenes. I’ve seen furniture and shelves for the new library presented from four companies, and it looks wonderful. Once everyone else have decided what company they like the most, it’ll be decided and work to start furnish the school and library will start. This a slow process though, and I’m already stressed over August when school starts up again. (That’s healthy… not.) I’m really looking forward to have a totally fresh and new library though! :-D

When not working I’m totally fangirling online like always. A lot of time goes to roleplaying with @Duodeathstar. And to help tattooofhername with her MASSIVE fic Transition! Dark, so very dark a fic. But DAMN! It’s SO GOOD! Proud to be a part of that. :-D

Talking off fandom’s and such, one of my new friends on my friendslist, denorios, has written SUCH an interesting piece of meta on the evolution of fandoms. And it’s SO GOOD! You need to go read it stat! Who is the best fan? The one who followed the band/actor before they were popular? Or the fans that just discovered them? Or are ALL fans just as good? ;-)

What are your thoughts on the evolution of fandom?

You can probably guess my view on the matter. ;-)

Sad thing lately, and well… All of 2016 is all the artistic icons that keep dying this year. Latest in the list is Prince who died last night (my time).
He was such an amazing artist and seemed to have been an amazing human being to. I’m quite sure he’ll be greatly missed. Not only by fans, but family I’m sure.

Here’s Prince’s halftime show from SuperBowl 2007, which is so damn impressive. Pouring rain, lightning and thunder… And what does he do? Rock on in one hell of a halftime show on a slick stage with electric lights, playing several electric guitars and walking around on crazy high heels. The man rocked. Hands down.

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touched, work, shopping, interesting, the swedish number, swedish things, job, mom, politics, rpgs, fanfic, pimping, birthday, music, mother, kid, fun stuff, stress, family

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