Game of Thrones and my work has what in common?

Mar 20, 2016 00:54

So... Game of Thrones. I have two more episodes to watch out of season five and I have come to the conclusion that Georg RR Martin and the people working on this show are... batshit insane... and genius.

I don't even have words. All I can keep my fingers crossed for is that Tyrion Lannister will survive. I know you should not have favorites in this show, because EVERY FUCKING ONE is dying but I can't help but love that crazy ass dwarf. Also, Peter Dinklage is bloody amazing.

I still wanna slap some sense in Jon Snow though. STOP BEING SO FUCKING NOBEL!!!

Anyway. Enough of that.

Apart from some lovely relaxation with my online friends, some online-RP each evening, reading on my lovely lovely F-list and just mainly hang out, I have not done that much at home. Energy when getting home from work? I haz none.

Work has been and will continue to be insane. This week was no exception. I like the fact that I had counted on one day to be fucking insane where I had three classes AND had to keep the library open during opening hours... But it was easy sailing that day. And the days where I had only one class and to keep the library open during opening hours was... fucking insane.

As always in this school, count on the unexpected. And never expect anything at all to go according to plans.

I did have some lovely moments in the library with a girl who is a practicing muslim, is a feminist and active as such online, is writing some really powerful poems together with her grandmother and has gotten a book of poems published by her grandmother in a small scale. Did I mention the kid was 16? :-) Kickass girl. She'll go far.

I have more cool girls and boys like that in the library that likes to hang out there because it's like the only moderately calm place in the school. It's just very very cramped and small and dull and boring, what with the temporary premises at the moment. After summer though, I'll have a fresh new library in a fresh new school. I can NOT WAIT!

But to counteract the niceness, of course there was some insane kids to. :-P There was a fight at one point outside the library that it took quite a few teachers to break up. (4-6 teachers, I think?) And with fight I mean a fight involving fists and kicks... :-/ Rest of the kids around just laughed and the fighters claimed they were just joking.

Right. My ass you did. :-/ You don't try to kick a guy in the face as a joke. Thank heavens none of them knew well enough what they were doing.

Then there's the normal mess and mayhem, of course. In which I mean shouting, loud laughing, chairs dragged around or thrown around, books (not the libraries) that is thrown around, phones and keys that has gone missing, teen-drama with crying girls coming to the library, kids that are trying to skip class by sitting in the library (not on my watch), etc, etc, etc... I could go on...

And I told one of the recreation leaders (aka an adult keeping an eye on the kids in the hallways) that was planning a spoken world / poetry slam project for the school at some point, I told her that I had managed to get Dogge Doggelito to the school, since he has the same background as the kids there and has made it, in a way. She, as so many others, are a rapper as well, and she laughed in my face saying he sucked ass and that I should spend money on her and other 'artists' that are already working in the school. Well, excuse me for trying to do something nice for this school. It was as if I'd insulted her by hiring Dogge Doggelito to have lectures at the school. I don't even know...

*sigh* I have mentioned it's slightly chaotic in the school I work, right? Well, yes. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing I apparently thrive in chaos. At least the teachers and most of the kids like me and think I do a good job. Fingers crossed that will continue.

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

touched, work, life, drama, game of thrones, job, ranting, stress

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