Ho boy… I have a feeling this LJ is going to end up a place where I can just... load off steam and vent...
Because I seriously need to at this point. Let’s see if I can get it in some sort of order...
Monday last week we found out that Burnt Out Colleague were going to be on prolonged sick-leave until last of October. Great! Her psychiatrist, the one that has been on the case since this whole thing started, made sure of this. Awesome even! Some stability since that means we can call in substitutes / temps instead. So that was really good, even if the workload on Awesome Boss and Awesome Colleague got a little bit heavier (and they have it really tough to start with). So we were all good with this and planned accordingly.
Come the day after, Tuesday last week, I’d been out in two classes at two schools and so didn’t arrive at the library until around 11am. And when I do stumbled into the staff-room/kitchen, there’s Burned Out Colleague sitting without a trouble in the world having a
FIKA and fiddling with the work phone. WTF?!?! I ask her a little carefully wasn't she on prolonged sick leave...? Answer is: “That varies a little.” And that’s a quote, translated. WHAT?!?!
I went looking for Awesome Colleague, but couldn’t find him. And I knew Awesome Boss wasn't there just yet, but I did text her once I’d did a hasty exit of the staff-room/kitchen. Not even a minute later Awesome Boss calls back asking WTH? basically since she knew nothing and we all wondered wth is going on...? She thanked me for the warning, and then I had a very awkward lunch in the same staff-room/kitchen as Burned Out Colleague said she was going to her computer to work a little... I didn’t make a comment...
Just a min later Awesome Boss rushed in looking stressed and worn down, again thanking me for the warning and then they both disappeared into Awesome Boss’ office.
Finding Awesome Colleague I asked him how long Burned Out Colleague had been there, and he just said he totally ignored her after she’d happily walked in without a care in the world.
We both had to wait for a while, working at one computer each (trying to work in my case...) before Burned Out Colleague came out, greeted us with a cheerful goodbye and left.
Then Awesome Boss came out, and with her sarcastic macabre humor told us that oh hey, Burned Out Colleague has found ANOTHER psychiatrist who tells her that of course you need to work, at least 50% (4 hours a day). Might add said psychiatrist is an old friend of hers... *cough*
Both me and Awesome Colleague just stood there gaping and then we laughed, and it wasn't a happy laugh, but a resigned laugh. Because Burned Out Colleague acted pretty much like a med-addict right then. This Doc won’t give me what I want, so I’ll just go to another Doc. *shakes head*
OK, so fine. We all started to work with these new premises, and not very happy about it, but sadly there’s nothing we can do. More than work ourselves to the bones and feel like shit. Our Awesome Boss especially. She told us that she’ll plan accordingly for next week when Burned Out Colleague was going to start working 50% and then we’ll take it a day at a time.
Right on.
The week went on without any new interesting surprises, and I had a lovely great weekend included a short Friday where I got off work at 12 midday. According to schedule even! Wohoo!
And then we come to today, Monday. Ho boy...
All Mondays we start with a meeting at 8:30 where we go through the week and what needs to be done and what schedules for the Information Desk that we have etc, etc... We started up the meeting, but... No Burnt Out Colleague... Who was supposed to be there at 8:30. Meeting continued until 9am, when Awesome Boss texted Burnt Out Colleague asking where she is? Answer: I'm at home. All off us go: ??? So Boss texts again that she should have been there working from 8:30. Answer: I'm on prolonged sick leave until last of October. At this point we were all with our jaws on the floor going what the FUCK?!? The exact prolonged sick leave she DID NOT WANT just the week before and worked tooth and nail to get out off!!! Awesome Boss just left the room and called her. After a little while she came back and said that yes, she IS on prolonged sick leave again. She'd just forgotten to let us know.
Seriously. What. The. HELL!?!?!
So back to the drawing board again. None of the planning we'd done for the rest of the MONTH worked out, so we had to re-plan. Had to re-hire the substitutes / temps again. Just... a SHIT TON of extra work all of a sudden. Both Awesome Boss and Awesome Colleague were mentally exhausted. Awesome Boss even more so, because as she said when we talked for about an hour or so today, she's our boss and she likes us and she can see how all this effects Awesome Colleague and me, and... she can't do anything about it even if she wants to. And she do want to, she assured me. She really really do.
And... You'd think that's the end, don't you?
It's not.
I was working the evening today, until 6pm. And it was moderately calm, just a few patrons.
Suddenly Burnt Out Colleague enters the library. Me I didn't even know what to say or do at that point, feeling like shit still over the whole situation at work. She went to the copier to copy papers Awesome Boss needed so she could put on he desk. All cool, but I didn't say much to her. Until she cheerfully said or asked me if everything is all good with me? And I just said, well the situation here is a little stressful right now. She didn't get it and asked how, so I elaborated. And then she went all martyr on me. And created quite the scene, since remember... Still patrons in the library. Penny dropped and she started saying, loudly mind, that oh it's my fault, I'm so stupid, I'm just sick you know, I can't do anything, I'm just horrible etc, etc, etc...
And I just stood there not sure what to do or say...
Then she left, without copying everything. I breathed a sigh of relief. Then she returned, saying she had to copy all, sobbing a little. Then she left. I breathed a sigh of relief again. Then she returned, since she'd forgotten to put the papers at Awesome Boss' desk, walked around all confused BEHIND the information desk, found pen and paper and wrote a letter to Awesome Boss... I read it after she'd left. Basically it said that she was so horrible, so dumb, it was all her fault and she didn't know any better and she's sick etc, etc, etc...
I don't even know what to say about this anymore... I just... don't.
At least I can leave come December, but Awesome Boss and Awesome Colleague? They can't. And I feel so horrible for them. :-/
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