A pimp/spam post about 50 Shades of Grey... Trigger warning for discussions and hints about abuse!

Feb 16, 2015 22:39

Figured it was time for another pimp-post or whatever you wanna call them. There's just to many fun stuff to look at online, and then I feel the urge to share it. Sure, I retweet or replurk as well, but to collect it in one big post just appeals to me. Bear with me.

Lately, since it's had it's opening (on Valentines Day, wth?) I've seen a lot of stuff and read a lot of stuff about 50 Shades of Grey, the infamous Twilight fanfic... (in case you didn't know it was a Twilight fanfic...)

And OK, I admit. I read the first book. And yes, I do enjoy some BDSM in the bedroom. So hence it made me curious. But what I read? That was NOT BDSM! Oh HELL to the no! That was abuse. Plain and simple. :-/

So ever since I've been following the twitter account @50shadesabuse. Mostly I jus feel sorry for those who have gone through emotional abuse and is meet with this fail-tastic book that makes their experience into romance... *shakes head*

Prepare for shitload of links about 50 Shades of Grey Fail Abuse.... :-P

This is a short and to the point piece from The Independent UK which... I like because it IS to the point AND has actually lines from the book in the text/graphics. And no, they aren't made up. They ARE from the book.

Fifty Shades of Grey: It doesn't take a genius to realise that Christian Grey is a domestic abuser

This was absolutly brilliant. Because like it or not, 50 Shades of Grey does have fans. A shitload of them. And they are defending book and movie. It's easy to let the blood run hot in such a discussion, especialy if you or a close one to you have experienced mental abuse. So this is a brilliant piece to go to for advice on HOW to take the discussion with them fans. Calmly. Rational. And showing the flaw in their logic.

Let’s talk about 50 Shades in a calm and rational way

And this? This was also interesting. I'd like to know how many you got right if you haven't read the books... I think that would be quite interesting to know. ;-) Care to share?

Can You Tell The Difference Between Christian Grey And A Serial Killer?

And this? This just disturbed me. I mean, seriously? WTH? If you run into a guy like this... RUUUUN!!! Geezes... The poor girl in the interview both disturbed me and made me so achingly sad for her... :-/

Real-Life Christian Grey Claims To Have 'Converted' 350 Women To BDSM

This is one of the best reviews I've read. Because the reviewer walked into the movie theaters knowing NOTHING about 50 Shades of Grey, and the shock after watching it is so so so obvious in her review. And people think this is romance... WTH?

Rosie Reviews: Fifty Shades of Grey - Rosie Waterland expected the whole movie to be a bit of a cheesy laugh. Instead she walked out of the cinema on the verge of tears.

This is a professional morning show host giving a review of 50 Shades of Grey, and... she isn't holding back, put it that way. DAMN she's mean! X-D I kinda love it! And she brings up valid points to. :-)

image Click to view

These are so so so hilarious! Sometimes you can find true gold on Imgur. X-D And the even more hilarious thing is that the flaws pointed out in these reviews, and highlighted in an image... are things that ACTUALLY happen in the books! Oh, good lord... X-D

1 star reviews of 50 Shades of Grey on

One might think what with the movie coming up that the actors would be all over the place playing it up to promote the movie, right? Right? Nooooo!!! X-D OH SO WRONG! I guess they're trying, but they just look uncomfortable together! And as rumors go, apparently they had to reshoot the sex-scenes since they were far from hot. HA HA HA HA!!! X-D I should feel sorry for them, I really should... But they signed up for it. :-D

50 Shades of [Sigh]: The Disastrous 50 Shades of Grey Press Tour

This is a really good piece by the people behind the mentioned twitter account. They list various reasons why the books can be dagnerous and also what Christian does in the books. What makes him an abusive man and why is it dangerous to make that look romantic.

The powerful effect fiction can have on reality

This piece is really interesting because it looks at the interactions between Ana and Christian in 50 Shades through the law. Legally, who should be in the handcuffs? Really?

Fifty Shades Of Grey: Top barrister on whether Christian should be the one in handcuffs

Three BDSM-enthusiasts view on 50 Shades of Grey. They to don't hold any punches, put it that way...

Fifty Shades of Grey: what BDSM enthusiasts think

When a blog called Everyday Victim Blaming writes a post about 50 Shades of Grey and is less than kind about it? You know something is seriously wrong..

Domestic Violence in 50 Shades of Grey

The site Rape Crisis also makes a post talking about the dangersou with 50 Shades of Grey should tell you lot something. And it's a really good piece to, going through the whole books. It's really eyeopening.

"Fifty Shades of Grey" Saviour of relationships or abusers handbook?

Yet another piece discussing how dangerous men like Christian Grey is. The amount of articles, blogg posts, protests at screenings should tell you something. So yeah, it's important to spread this I feel.

A Charming Psycho Is Still A Psycho: Why 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Is Sending Women The Wrong Message

Also, whoever did this, THANK YOU SO MUCH for ruining my childhood! FUCK! Even Frozen who I have to watch several times a week what with Alexandra loving it. GAWD DAMMIT!

50 Shades of Disney . . . OMG

TLDR, if you don't wanna check all the above, than at least check out this vid:

This vid, one of my favorites I've seen actually, combines the brilliant speech that the US President, Barak Obama, held aginst abuse towards women. It combines his speech with cuts from the movie... that interestingly enough fits so very very well with the speech... while trying to make it look hot. URGH! But yeah, if you don't have the energy to check ANY other link, than this is it. Really.

image Click to view

And now I will shut up about the subject. At least for a long time ahead. Unless you follow me on Twitter, that is... :-P

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

disney, pimping, fanfic, interesting, confrontation, pissed off, books, ranting, twilight

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