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Comments 13

steinsgrrl January 28 2015, 01:35:06 UTC
I'm glad you're okay and not in too much pain. Bless Peting for taking such good care of you. I hope he has Alexandria in on helping out Mom. I imagine she'd be so proud of herself. :D


kseenaa January 28 2015, 20:07:10 UTC
She is trying. I was hobbling along in the livingroom today when she pushed my butt saying "I'll help you mom!" X-D So cute! Peting is doing great. Except with cleaning... But mom is coming over this Saturday to help out with that. And I'll get my best friend to help me to, so hopefully it won't look to much like a wreck here... *lol*


shapinglight January 28 2015, 11:05:43 UTC
It is very nice to see you. I was just thinking about you this morning.

Am so sorry that you're back for the reason you're back, though. I hope your leg will heel quickly.

Is your cast the sort that Alexandra can draw on? She might like that.


kseenaa January 28 2015, 20:08:54 UTC
I hope you were thinking nice thoughts. :-)

It was quite the break in the leg, so it'll take a couple of months to heal up properly. And yes, it is the kind you can draw on! :-D She's put dots and lines on it since she's not the greatest artist there is, I suppose. *grin*


shapinglight January 28 2015, 22:49:31 UTC
Definitely nice thoughts - as in, I hope she'll come back.


kseenaa February 2 2015, 12:59:33 UTC
Thanx. :-) It's nice to know I've been a little missed. And I am back for now at least. I have admittedly missed LiveJournal, it's quirks and bad and good things. :-)


ruchirahni February 2 2015, 15:00:47 UTC
will you be able to get your job at that library back though? the one that you really like that's next to alex's daycare?


kseenaa February 2 2015, 15:07:15 UTC
That's where I am currently working, actually! If it weren't for the fact I'm on a prolonged sickleave... ;-) And that's where they are that cool. :-) So yeah, I am working EXACTLY where I want to! And I go breaking my leg. Talk about bad luck. :-P


ruchirahni February 2 2015, 15:08:31 UTC
yeah i know but will you be able to go back to working there after your sick leave?


kseenaa February 2 2015, 15:09:32 UTC
Of course! You can't be sacked for an injury or illness. Against the law that. :-) So after my sickleave, it's back to business as usual. :-)


aatln February 5 2015, 08:02:59 UTC
Well ouch. Just ouch, ouch, ouch. You must have fallen really hard or really weird to have broken your leg so badly. On the positive side, it isn't your tailbone. Okay, there really is no positive side, but I tried. lol.

I hope you don't go crazy while your leg heals ..... quickly! Now, are you ever going to post new pictures of Alexandra? I bet she's a cutie pie while helping mommy clean the house.


kseenaa February 5 2015, 08:18:07 UTC
Ouch is a very good word. Although I was using... very NSFW words when it happened, I will admit. Much screaming and cursing. Not a silent person me. ;-)

You are right though. It could have gone so much worse. :-P It was just ice. Glittering slippery ice on the roads that day. :-/ Not so much fun.

And I should post photos of Alexandra! I really should! :-D


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