Preparations for this summers post-apocalyptic Fallout-LARP!!!

Jun 28, 2014 00:44

Not this weekend, but next weekend it's time! I'll go on a LARP for the entire weekend! I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO IT! You have no idea.... :-D

Even though I am excited like I haven't been for anything in quite a while, I worry to. I mean, last time I went on a three-day LARP, Alexandra didn't exist. Yeah, it was almost three years ago last time I was at this huge LARP. I haven't been apart from Alexandra for that long since. She'll be fine, I hope. peting73 is going to be home, and they'll hang out with grandma, going to do the zoo and doing all sorts of fun things. I am just being silly I suppose that she'll miss me to much, you know? *shrug*

Hopefully I'll be so busy during the LARP I won't have time to worry about her...

Me and J, my dear dear friend had a coffe+cake date the other day discussing the LARP. We played lovers in a very romantic and dramatic relationship all them years ago. And that story-line is still not finished! :-D Last time I was at this LARP was 2011! This love-story started at the first of this LARP 2010... developed more during 2011... When I was very VERY pregnant 2012 I obviously couldn't be a part of the LARP, so I figured out a reason for my character not to be in the village and hence J's character got love-letters... 2013 the date for the LARP was on Alexandras first birthday. Crap. No LARP, and more love-letters. *lol*

But this year! They picked the PERFECT dates! And Alexandra is big enough she'll be fine with peting73 alone! (Although I suspect she'll be a leach when I get home...) And I work so I have a salary to buy stuff for!

AKA, post-apocalyptic LARP IS A GO for me this year! It's an annual LARP, every summer, so I hope I can go next year to! And that I can keep my character alive for many many years to come!

Anyway, while planning I randomly remembered I have a tent that looks sorta medieval in our storage, so I am considering bringing that. It's big enough for both me and J to fit in there. And I've bought a new sleeping bag since my old one, well... It's so old it's not even funny and doesn't work so well. Since I'm always cold during the night, I figured a proper sleeping bag might be a good idea. DAMN it was expensive though!

I've also bought cans with canned food so I'll have something to eat. I'll make small pasties as well to bring. And plenty water.

First and second rule of LARP in the woods: Make sure you have a warm and dry place to sleep. Make sure you won't be hungry or thirsty.

If one of them rules is broken, you won't be able to concentrate on your character and you won't have fun. Basic needs need to be meet. :-)

My outfit will be different to. I've written a story about what my character has been up to these two years where I haven't been able to go to the LARP, and considering what she's done and the people she's meet... She's changed a bit. Not much, but enough for her clothing to change. :-)

It's all coming together, and I think I have everything I need by now. :-P I hope. I just keep my fingers crossed it won't rain. :-P That would seriously suck.

I even bought a gift to peting73 on Qwertee.Com since he is being such a sweetheart and letting me go do my thing. :-D

Tomorrow I'll go visit mom and borrow some stuff from her to bring to the LARP and on Sunday we'll clean up the apartment and I'll make pasties. Then work, work, work for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday.... LARP STARTS!!!

After LARP my vacation starts! :-D AND MY DEAR FRIEND snowstormskies is coming to visit me!!!


This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

peting, life, other larp, mother, my love, kid, mom, family, friends

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